Corwin Law is a comprehensive legal research and writing firm, which conducts extensive background legal research and provides clear, concise and compelling writing of a wide variety of legal documents on behalf of its attorney-clients. Corwin Law provides everything, from a simple list of citations for a motion to a signature-ready appellate brief. Regardless of the project, Corwin Law offers an unparalleled, yet cost-effective product.
“Working hard for something we don’t care about is called STRESS. Working hard for something we love is called PASSION.”
Simon Sinek

■ Appellate Briefs and Motions
■ Trial Court Dispositive and Non-dispositive Motions
○ Orders to Show Cause for Injunctive Relief
Motions for Summary Judgment
○ Discovery/Contempt Motions
○ Motions in limine
○ Pre- and Post-Trial Motions
■ Pleadings
■ Miscellaneous Petitions and Applications
■ Discovery Demands/Responses
■ Deposition Outlines/Digests
■ Stipulations of Settlement
■ Pre- and Post-Nuptial Agreements
■ Business Agreements